

Page history last edited by Michi 8 years ago

The Lucky Cat



The Lucky Cat was a player shop on the Discworld MUD game, but not anymore. These days, this site hosts information and other tidbits about the game, gleaned by the awesome process of boredom and compulsiveness Michi is prone to be struck with.


Info Pages



Comprehensive information on many of the disc's finest (and not-so-fine) containers, with all manner of bags, boxes, sacks, packs, satchels and barrels.



Grflx armour is certainly shiny, but is it worth it? You decide!



All you never wanted to know about wizard spell components.



Maps made while wandering various areas.



A (hopefully) comprehensive list of T-shop stops.



Some details about the various trinkets the T-shop sells.



Recharging and usage information concerning magical artifacts.



Simple list of blorps in Michi's possession.


The Cat


The Lucky Cat, also known as "Maneki Neko" or "beckoning cat" is an ancient symbol of luck. Many shops display them, in the belief they will attract customers or wealth. For more information, click here.




Discworld MUD - The Discworld MUD site

Airk's Atlas - Home of Airk's excellent maps. Thanks for letting us use them!




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