

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 10 months ago

Grflx Armour

How to make and what you get.


Grflx armour can only be obtained by getting your hands dirty, slaying a few Grflx, and delivering their hides to one Squiny Jeb, a hermit who will be glad to make you some armour, at a reasonable cost.


Or... you could just cheat and go to a player shop.


Namesoft grflx leather shirt
Hidenineteen square feet of hide
Weight2 4/9 lb
Coveragearms, chest and back
amazingly poor at stopping sharp attacks
Defenseamazingly poor at stopping pierce attacks
poor at stopping blunt attacks


Namepair of gleaming grflx leather leggings
Hidetwenty square feet of hide
Weight5 5/9 lb
Coveragelegs and abdomen
good at stopping sharp attacks
Defenseok at stopping pierce attacks
ok at stopping blunt attacks


Namelaced grflx leather jerkin
Hidetwenty-six square feet of hide
Weight5 5/9 lb
Coverageabdomen, chest and back
average at stopping sharp attacks
Defenseok at stopping pierce attacks
poor at stopping blunt attacks


Namepair of sturdy black grflx leather gloves
Hidethree square feet of hide
Weight8/9 lb
amazingly poor at stopping sharp attacks
Defenseamazingly poor at stopping pierce attacks
poor at stopping blunt attacks


Namepair of dark grflx hide boots
Hideten square feet of hide
Weight2 7/9 lb
amazingly poor at stopping sharp attacks
Defenseexcellent at stopping pierce attacks
average at stopping blunt attacks


Nameblack grflx scale helmet
Hidetwo square feet of hide
Weight3 3/9 lb
Coveragehead and hair
good at stopping sharp attacks
Defenseok at stopping pierce attacks
ok at stopping blunt attacks


NameGrflx scale
Hidethirty-four square feet of hide from a mother Grflx
Weight20 lb
Coveragearms, back and chest
excellent at stopping sharp attacks
Defenseexcellent at stopping pierce attacks
extremely good at stopping blunt attacks

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