

Page history last edited by Michi 6 years, 8 months ago

Spell Components

They're magically delicious


Behold, the one wholly accurate guide for components to wizardly spells on the discworld (the guide isn't wrong, reality is).




Wizards are inexplicably drawn to sparkly objects. It's no surprise then that a good wizard can use an ankhstone to make their otherwise plain staff sparkle with a life of its own.


Weight: 4/9 lb


Consumed by: Crondor's Mysterious Sparkling


Found at

- The occult jewellery stall, The south side of the Plaza of Broken Moons, Ankh-Morpork

- Harmony Stardancer's Magical Shoppe, Treacle Street, Ankh-Morpork





A fresh, healthy apple. Totally unsuitable for eating, of course, but they find use as components.


Weight: 4/9 lb


Consumed by: Sageroff's Sentry Summoning


Found at

- Bernies Stall, Market Street, Ankh-Morpork

- Grog's Groceries, Fast Lane, Ankh-Morpork

- A grocery store, Hook Street, Bes Pelargic

- A fruit and vegetable stall,The southeastern corner of marketplace, Bes Pelargic

- A front room, The northern part of Long Street, Bes Pelargic

- A fruit stall, Tree Snake Avenue just north of the Pagoda Gardens, Bes Pelargic

- The Golden Falls grocer, The southern end of Golden Falls Road, Bes Pelargic

- A fruit and vegetable stall, Bazaar, Djelibeybi

- A fruit and vegetable stall, The northeastern apex of the market, Genua

- A fruit stall, The northern side of the Royal Market, Sto Lat

- The Veggetabel Markett, Mad Stoat

- A grocery store, The green, Bleak Prospect



Arm (human, dwarf, and troll)


A rather gruesome sample of cross-species appendages, they must be studied if a wizard is to grow a new arm of their own.


Weight: Varies


Consumed by: Yordon's Extremal Extension, Booch's Extremal Polymorphism


Found on: Corpses of humans, trolls, and dwarfs.





No self-respecting wizard would be without ash. For extra effect, use the ash of your enemies that have been vaporised.


Weight: 1/9 lb per handful


Consumed by: Transcendent Pneumatic Alleviator (one handful)


Found at

- A smithy, Elm Street, Ankh-Morpork

- A candied kitchen, Wizard's Guild, Bes Pelargic

- A hot and humid smithy, Market Street, Bes Pelargic

- The grooms' quarters, McSweeney Estate, Bes Pelargic

- Allen Kingfisher's Blackglass smithy, Blackglass

- The centre of the encampment, Gloomy Forest

- A campsite, Skund Forest

- Vampires, Escrow (very dangerous)



Ball of congealed sap


These sticky balls of sap are one of the three components of Trollskin.


Weight: 3/9 lb


Consumed by: Chrenedict's Calcareous Covering


Found at

- The Guild of Alchemists' Guild shop, The Guild of Alchemists, Ankh-Morpork

- Mit-sin-bibh-khot's world of rare reagents, Institute of Illusory Learning, Djelibeybi

- A small apothecary, Wizard's Guild, Bes Pelargic


Can be squeezed from trees at

- Azure Promenade, Bes Belargic

- Green Way, Bes Pelargic

- Tree Snake Avenue, Bes Pelargic


Can be lanced from trees at

- Middle of Paradox Avenue, Ephebe

- Middle of Antithesis Lane, Ephebe

- The top of Rational Street, Ephebe

- Southwest gardens, Ephebe (Multiple trees)



Beeswax candle


Aside from being used to light your way, candles can also be used to destroy NPC's hearing, and summon clouds. Bonus points for using the extra-dribbly type.


Weight: 1/9 lb


Used in: Fyodor's Nimbus of Porterage, Sageroff's Sentry Summoning

Consumed by: Effermhor's Hypersonic Assault


Found at

- Get 'em while we still got 'em, Plaza of Broken Moons, Ankh-Morpork

- The Light Under Glass store, A short way up Salis Street, Ankh-Morpork

- Mr Lumieres stall, Centre of Market Street, Ankh-Morpork

- Stapleton's Student Supplies, Inside the Sto Lat Academy Of Artificers on King's Road, Sto Lat

- A Gently Illuminated Shop, Wung-Chi Lane, Bes Pelargic

- A well illuminated stall, Divine Flower marketplace, Bes Pelargic

- A dimly lit lantern shop, Approaching midway of the Way of the Dragon, Bes Pelargic

- A small light shop, Phoenix Avenue, Bes Pelargic

- Mit-sin-bibh-khot's world of rare reagents, Institute of Illusory Learning, Djelibeybi

- An odds and ends stall, Bazaar, Djelibeybi

- Toohumi's Illuminations, Market Street, Djelibeybi

- Contradiction Close, Contradiction Close, Ephebe

- (Bag of 15 candles) / A bric-a-brac stall, Middle of Dockside Walk, Ephebe

- The Sales Shack, Il Drim, southeast of Ephebe

- An Agatean import merchant, Market Street, Genua

- A chandlery, The eastern part of Genua Avenue, Genua

- A bric-a-brac stall, The northern side of the market, Ohulan-Cutash

- An illumination stall, Market - SE Corner, Slippery Hollow

- The Candle Cave, Garlic Way, Escrow



Black shells


Black shells can be used to store magical energy in a form suitable for the recharging of artefacts. You'll have to charge it with your own personal energy first, though!


Weight: 1 1/9 lb


Used in: Rubayak's Power Storage


Found at

- Magic and Meddlers' Shop, Wizards Guild, Creel Springs

- A pleasant little souvenir shop, Brown Islands



Block of sulphur


The awesome stink of sulphur can be harnessed against enemies in an attack that most likely won't be forgotten (or washed out).


Weight: 1/9 lb


Consumed by: G'flott's Olfactory Nightmare


Found at

- The Guild of Alchemists' Guild shop, The Guild of Alchemists, Ankh-Morpork

- A small, dingy shop, A twist on the Serpent just outside a small shop, Bes Pelargic

- A small apothecary, Wizard's Guild, Bes Pelargic

- Mit-sin-bibh-khot's world of rare reagents, Institute of Illusory Learning, Djelibeybi

- Magic and Meddlers' Shop, Wizards Guild, Creel Springs

- An unremarkable stall, Northeast corner of the Brass Neck marketplace, Brass Neck



Blue funnel


What looks like a simple blue funnel is actually a thaumic funnel, an inherently magical artefact used to funnel magic into mundane objects. Most of the time, you can craft your own, but if not, you can find them for sale in one of the guild shops.


Weight: 2/9 lb


Used in: Brother Happalon's Elementary Enchanting, Master Glimer's Amazing Glowing Thing


Found at

- Magic and Meddlers' Shop, Wizards Guild, Creel Springs


Made with the spell: Objandeller's Thaumic Funnel



Brass ring


With these babies, you can lend a new meaning to the expression "brass knuckles".


Weight: 1/9 lb


Consumed by: Old Bellicus' Brazen Knuckles


Found at

- Rendtnor's Jewellery Shop, Plaza of Broken Moons, Ankh-Morpork

- A jewellery stall, Divine Flower marketplace, Bes Pelargic

- The Royal Market Jewellers, Royal Market, Sto Lat

- Omar Amahl's Jewellery Shop, Cabbage Street, Sto Lat



Bucket (small)


One of the four items needed to create your own illusion spells. Also handy for keeping drinks in.


Weight: 1 1/9 lb


Used in: Torqvald's Illusion Generatrix


Found at

- King's Down Bucket Shop, King's Down, Ankh-Morpork

- A bucket shop, Long Street, Bes Pelargic

- A small apothecary, Wizard's Guild, Bes Pelargic

- Mit-sin-bibh-khot's world of rare reagents, Institute of Illusory Learning, Djelibeybi




Good for your eyes.


Weight: 1/9 lb


Consumed by: Kamikaze Oryctolagus Flammula


Found at

- Bernies' Stall, Market Street, Ankh-Morpork

- Grog's Groceries, Fast Lane, Ankh-Morpork

- Fresh Fruit on Baker, Baker Street, Ankh-Morpork

- A grocery store, Hook Street, Bes Pelargic

- A fruit and vegetable stall, Divine Flower marketplace, Bes Pelargic

- A front room, The northern part of Long Street, Bes Pelargic

- A small, dingy shop, A twist on the Serpent just outside a small shop, Bes Pelargic

- The Golden Falls grocer, The southern end of Golden Falls Road, Bes Pelargic

- A small apothecary, Wizard's Guild, Bes Pelargic

- A fruit and vegetable stall, Bazaar, Djelibeybi

- Mit-sin-bibh-khot's world of rare reagents, Institute of Illusory Learning, Djelibeybi

- A vegetable-ridden edge of the Harbour Market, North half of the Harbour Market, Ephebe

- A fruit-filled stretch of the Harbour Market, Middle of the Harbour Market, Ephebe

- An open side of the Harbour Market, near a vegetable-laden blue stall, West end of the Harbour Market, Ephebe

- A stand full of fruit and vegetables, In the Dockside Market, Ephebe

- A fruit and vegetable stall, The northeastern apex of the market, Genua

- A vegetable stall, The southern side of the Royal Market, Sto Lat

- A grocery store, The green, Bleak Prospect

- Magic and Meddlers' Shop, Wizard's Guild, Creel Springs

- The Veggetabel Markett, Mad Stoat

- The southeast garden, Scrogden

- A farmhouse garden, Dinky (search carrot)

- The garden in the Temple of the Listening Monks (search carrot)



Chicken feather


The memory of the brave chickens who gave their feathers to help you will be called upon to smite your enemy.


Weight: 1/9 lb


Consumed by: Memories of a Vicious Chicken


Found on/at

- Mit-sin-bibh-khot's world of rare reagents, Institute of Illusory Learning, Djelibeybi

- Chickens, in Dinky or Lancre Town

- Various wizard NPCs

- Farmyard, Dinky ('get feather')





One of the four items needed to create your own illusion spells. You can also keep your books safe with a pair of these lovely book ends.


Weight: 4 4/9 lb


Consumed by: Torqvald's Illusion Generatrix


Found at

- Get 'em while we still got 'em, Plaza of Broken Moons, Ankh-Morpork

- A small item shop, The northern side of the market, Bes Pelargic





An severed eye is a particularly useful thing, though not to its original owner. It can become a flaming missile if handled properly, or help protect you from other prying eyes.


Weight: Varies


Consumed by: Pragi's Fiery Gaze, Pragi's Lost Gaze, Kipperwald's Perlustration Prevention


Found on: Any corpse of a creature that has eyes.




Feathers of any type, including chicken feathers and even brass feathers, can be used in making things weigh less by the property of thaumic induction.




Used in: Finneblaugh's Thaumic Float

Consumed by: Gryntard's Feathery Reliever


Found at/on

- Mit-sin-bibh-khot's world of rare reagents, Institute of Illusory Learning, Djelibeybi

- Hat Temple Shop, Temple Street, Djelibeybi

- Talula's Titillating Toys, Liquor Alley, Genua

- A small shop dedicated to Hat, The western edge of the docks, Genua

- Chickens, in Dinky or Lancre Town

- Various wizard NPCs

- Birds (ducks, crows, seagulls, etc)



Fish carved from varnish


These lovely fish carved from varnish are the only source of grade four varnish known.


Weight: 5/9 lb


Consumed by: Chrenedict's Calcareous Covering


Found at

- The Fish Shop, Cockbill Street, Ankh-Morpork

- Stapleton's Student Supplies, Inside the Sto Lat Academy Of Artificers on King's Road, Sto Lat

- A small apothecary, Wizard's Guild, Bes Pelargic

- Mit-sin-bibh-khot's world of rare reagents, Institute of Illusory Learning, Djelibeybi


Fire cracker


Makes a bang.


Weight: 2/9 lb


Consumed by: Calm Embrace of Illusionary Beauty


Found at

- Krazzander's Magik Shoppe, Cockbill Street, Ankh-Morpork

- A legibles alcove, Wizard's Guild, Bes Pelargic

- A very flammable shop, Snake Parade, Bes Pelargic

- A Djelian foreign curiosities stall, Bazaar, Djelibeybi



Gold ring


The purity of gold is a powerful symbol, and so useful in certain types of magic.


Weight: 1/9 lb


Used in: Crondor's Fabulous Detection, Fiddelmaker's Auriferous Embrace (consumed)


Found at

- Rendtnor's Jewellery Shop,The Plaza of Broken Moons, Ankh-Morpork

- A goldsmith, Grunefair, Ankh-Morpork

- An importers, Djelibeybi Harbour

- Omar Amahl's Jewellery Shop, Cabbage Street, Sto Lat

- The Royal Market Jewellers, Royal Market, Sto Lat


Human corpse


Why mess with mere body parts when you can go for the whole thing? A corpse can be reanimated into an undead servant, equiping anything that was on it to fight for you.


Weight: Varies


Consumed by: Grisald's Reanimated Guardian


Made from: Dead humans



Human hand


Hands, like eyes, live interesting lives after their seperation from their original owners.


Weight: 1 5/9 lb


Consumed by: Pragi's Lost Gaze, Narquin's Hand of Acquisition, Myrandil's Vicious Seizure


Found on: Any corpse of a creature that has hands (humans, dwarfs, trolls...).



Human head


If there's a better use of magic than draining the life energy from a foe's severed head in order to make yourself undead, I don't want to know.


Weight: 4 4/9 lb


Consumed by: Myrandil's Mask of Death


Found on: Human corpses



Human heart


Hmm... full of iron.


Weight: 1 1/9 lb


Consumed by: Wungle's Great Sucking, Doctor Kelleflump's Deadly Demon


Found on: Human corpses



Human index finger


Another body part. Fingers can be used to send a creepy message to someone elsewhere in the world.


Weight: 1/9 lb


Consumed by: Dismal Digit of Doom


Found on: Human corpses



Human skin


Gruesome. But nobody said being a necromancer would be easy.


Weight: ~ 20 lb


Consumed by: Von Hasselhoff's Skin Condition


Found on: Human corpses



Iron chain


Iron chains are a must for knocking shields down.


Weight: 3 8/9 lb


Used in: Frygellhan's Fiendish Orbit Disruptor


Found at

- A weapon and armour shop, Elm Street, Ankh-Morpork

- A Smithy, Filigree Street, Ankh-Morpork

- The official armoury of the Weapon Masters' Court, Vagabond Street,Ankh-Morpork

- An illegal contraband stall, The southeastern corner of the Black Market, Bes Pelargic

- A weapons shop, The junction of Cutash Way and Lancre Street, Ohulan-Cutash



Jar of mandrake roots


Makes an annoying sound, which you can use to your advantage. The phrase "annoyed to death" takes on an entirely new meaning.


Weight: 5/9 lb


Used in: Effermhor's Hypersonic Assault


Found at

- The Guild of Alchemists' Guild shop, The Guild of Alchemists, Ankh-Morpork

- A small, dingy shop, A twist on the Serpent just outside a small shop, Bes Pelargic

- A small apothecary, Wizard's Guild, Bes Pelargic

- Mit-sin-bibh-khot's world of rare reagents, Institute of Illusory Learning, Djelibeybi





The humble knife, though not glamourous, is still useful in spells that require basic cutting action. Knives are also useful as weapons when not hurling magic at enemies, and are essential for collecting body parts.


Weight: Varies


Used in: Narquin's Mist of Doom, Sageroff's Sentry Summoning

Consumed by: Wungle's Body Part Suggestion


Found at

- Most weapon shops, general shops, or utensil shops



Latex powder


A pile of rubbery powder harvested from certain jungle trees. You can rub it on your skin to make it rubbery and able deflect blows from blunt or piercing weapons.


Consumed by: Chrenedict's Calcareous Covering


Found at

- Mit-sin-bibh-khot's world of rare reagents, Institute of Illusory Learning, Djelibeybi


Made by

As well as buying lumps of latex, you can also harvest them yourself from rubber trees growing in jungles around the Disc. There are three jungles located in the Klatch region:


- Directly west of the city of Heliodelphilodelphiloschromenos. You can reach it by walking south from Djelibeybi, then west down Philosopher's Way.

- West of the city of Al-Ybi, reachable by heading west on the Eritian Desert road from the crossroads. Al-Ybi is located in northen Klatch - Head north out of Djelibeybi, take the Al Khali Road, continue following the Tsort Road north until you reach the crossroads.

- South-Southest of the city of Al-Ybi. You will have to journey through the terrains southest and south of the crossroads. The jungle is located east of a mountain range.


In the jungle, you will find various rubber trees growing in the room, below the room description. Once you find one you can harvest multiple lumps of latex using the syntax "scrape tree with <sharp weapon>"


Whether you buy lumps of latex or harvest them yourself, you will have to grind them to powder using a food grinder. You can find grinders around the Disc in witches cottages as well as other places like Sam Slager's sausage shop and the Temple of the Listening Monks kitchen.



Lightable torch


Torches are another useful thing. You can light up a dark night with them, burn enemies with them in hand.... or also use them in a number of nasty spells.


Weight: 1 7/9 lb


Used in: Kamikaze Oryctolagus Flammula

Consumed by: Nargl'frob's Empyrean Spear, Journey of the Heavenly Storm Dragon, Atmospheric Inscription Wonder, Bifram's Amazing Fireworks


Found at

- The Light Under Glass store, A short way up Salis Street, Ankh-Morpork

- Mr Lumieres stall, Centre of Market Street, Ankh-Morpork

- A small shop, Rhinu Road outside a pub and a shop, Bes Pelargic

- A dimly lit lantern shop, Approaching midway of the Way of the Dragon, Bes Pelargic

- A well illuminated stall, Divine Flower marketplace, Bes Pelargic

- A grocery store, Hook Street, Bes Pelargic

- A small apothecary, Wizard's Guild, Bes Pelargic

- Toohumi's Illuminations, Market Street outside a small shop, Djelibeybi

- Mit-sin-bibh-khot's world of rare reagents, Institute of Illusory Learning, Djelibeybi

- A bric-a-brac stall, Middle of Dockside Walk, Ephebe

- Heroic Endeavours, The western edge of the marketplace, Genua

- Nils Beerman's Light Store, Cabbage Street, Sto Lat

- A well illuminated stall, The northwestern corner of the market, Ohulan-Cutash

- A local store, The village crossroads, Nowhere

- An unremarkable stall, The Brass Neck marketplace, Brass Neck

- A small smithy, A road past a pond, Bleak Prospect

- The Hublandish Barbarian armoury, Hublandish Barbarian Winter Camp, Lancre

- A room in the back of a cave, Hublandish Barbarian Summer Camp, Ramtops

- Most general stores


Metal Filings


This is a pile of metal dust created by grinding down any metal object.  You can use these metal filings to give your skin a coat of metal that will deflect blows from blunt and sharp weapons.


Consumed by: Chrenedict's Calcareous Covering


Made by

You cannot buy metal filings, but you can make your own. Simply take any metal item, such as weapons, shields, or other miscellaneous objects to the forge located in the Dinky farm, east of the crossroads. The items you grind down will be destroyed and turned into metal filings, so be careful not to destroy equipment you want to keep!


The syntax to grind items down is: Grind <object> down





While not all magic is just smoke and mirrors, some of it is, so a mirror is an essential part of any illusionist's magic kit. There are many types of mirrors, ranging from furniture-sized to handheld and pocket-sized. For the sake of your burden (and back), only the portable type should actually be carried around. Besides, your targets may start to get suspicious if they see you lugging a seven-foot mirror around.


Weight: Varies


Used in: Mugwuddle's Muddling Mirage, Floron's Fabulous Mirror, Sageroff's Sentry Summoning


Type / Found at

- Silver mirror / Bligh Earcrusher's exclusive shop, Park Lane, Ankh-Morpork

- Poo-Bah mirror / A Fung Shooey shop, Wung-chi Lane, Bes Pelargic

- Mirrored timepiece / Ninja Shop, Ninja Guild, Bes Pelargic

- Small compact / The T-Shop





Paper is useful for scribing those elusive spells onto for future use, and it doubles as a component too.


Weight: Varies


Consumed by: A Cup of Tea and Sake


Found at

- Salter Rhogain's Legibles, Magical Supplies Emporium, Ankh-Morpork

- Plaza Tobacconist's, Plaza of Broken Moons, Ankh-Morpork

- A legibles alcove, Wizard's Guild, Bes Pelargic

- A grocery store, Hook Street, Bes Pelargic

- Felicity Avenue Stationers, Felicity Avenue, Genua

- An unremarkable stall, The Brass Neck marketplace, Brass Neck




A little rock, with which you can cause a big rock. You can buy pebbles at one of the guild shops, chip them from a large rock, or get your hands dirty and search the ground for them.




Consumed by: Sorsalsean's Seismic Eruption


Found at

- The Rock Shop, Quarry Lane, Ankh-Morpork

- Stapleton's Student Supplies, Inside the Sto Lat Academy Of Artificers on King's Road, Sto Lat

- Mit-sin-bibh-khot's world of rare reagents, Institute of Illusory Learning, Djelibeybi


Found by searching in

- Blue Moon Park, Bes Pelargic

- Gloomy Forest





Any wizard worth their salt should already have a pipe, suitable for puffing out smoke rings or beguiling hapless foes. Like mirrors, many types of pipe exist, and the choice of which is up to your tastes.


Weight: Varies


Used in: Mugwuddle's Muddling Mirage


Found at

- Plaza Tobacconist's, Plaza of Broken Moons, Ankh-Morpork

- Fez Club tobacconist, The Avenue of the Pharaohs, Djelibeybi

- A small and murky tobacco shop, An alley, Hillshire





Everyone loves potatoes, and having a demon summoned from the very pits of hell prepare them to your liking makes them just the better.




Consumed by: Boolywog's Forbidden Pleasures


Found at

- Grog's Groceries, Fast Lane, Ankh-Morpork

- Bernies Stall, Market Street, Ankh-Morpork

- A fruit and vegetable stall, The southeastern corner of marketplace, Bes Pelargic

- A grocery store, Hook Street, Bes Pelargic

- A fruit and vegetable stall, Bazaar, Djelibeybi

- A fruit and vegetable stall, The northeastern apex of the market, Genua

- A grocery store, The green, Bleak Prospect



Powdered frog


Frogs seem to show up often in magic spells. Whatever the poor things did to deserve their fate as components, we may never know.




Consumed by: Stacklady's Morphic Resonator (one pinch)


Found at

- The Ankh-Morpork Apothecary, Prouts, Ankh-Morpork

- A small, dingy shop, A twist on the Serpent just outside a small shop, Bes Pelargic



Purple mineral powder


One of the most prized components of all, purple mineral powder contains concentrated magic energy. You can use this energy to charge up magical artefacts like wands, rings, and staves, hopefully not blowing yourself up in the process. Its other use is in certain magic spells that require lots of energy, such as turning people into frogs or forcing enchantment into mundane objects.


Weight: 1/9 lb per handful


Consumed by: Stacklady's Morphic Resonator (one pinch), Master Glimer's Amazing Glowing Thing (one handful), Crondor's Marvellous Sequestration (one handful)


Found at

- The Guild of Alchemists' Guild shop, The Guild of Alchemists, Ankh-Morpork

- A strange alleyway, Ephebe

- Magic and Meddlers' Shop, Wizards Guild, Creel Springs

- Blue Moon Park, Bes Pelargic





Already an essential in the wizard's toolkit for pining those pesky spells to paper, quills are also used to show off your powers of illusion.


Weight: 3/9 lb (plain quill)


Consumed by: Atmospheric Inscription Wonder, Torqvald's Illusion Generatrix


Found at

- Salter Rhogain's Legibles, Magical Supplies Emporium, Ankh-Morpork

- Toomer Stationers, Scoone Avenue, Ankh-Morpork

- A Card Shop, Attic Bee Street, Ankh-Morpork

- A Strange Stall, Cockbill Street, Ankh-Morpork

- A Calligrapher's Shop, Sum Bing Market, Bes Pelargic

- A school shop, Language Institute, Bes Pelargic

- A legibles alcove, Wizard's Guild, Bes Pelargic

- A Djelian foreign curiosities stall, Bazaar, Djelibeybi

- Felicity Avenue Stationers, Felicity Avenue, Genua

- A magic shop, A road running through Hillshire, Hillshire

- Magic and Meddlers' Shop, Wizards Guild, Creel Springs

- An unremarkable stall, The Brass Neck marketplace, Brass Neck

- Thee Gifte Shoppe, The northwestern corner of the town square, Escrow



Rat tail


Ankh-Morpork once instituted a reward for rat tails in the hope of reducing the city's vermin population. This plan failed miserably, of course, but wizards can put the tails to more practical use in the elimination of ratty things.




Used in: Rugged Victor's Rodentia Vivisection


Found on: Rat corpses


Rhoksial Crystals


Rhoksial crystals, also known as small crystals, are crystals imbued with elemental power. Each colour corresponds to a specific element - Red for fire, blue for cold, green for acid, yellow for gas, and all crystals combined form lightning. Certain spells use a specific element, while others let you chose which element to extract from the crystal based on type.




Consumed by: Heezlewurst's Elemental Buffer, Professor Flambardie's Grim Amulet (green crystal), Doctor Worblehat's Flaming Primate Premonition (red crystal)


Found at

- The Guild of Alchemists' Guild shop, The Guild of Alchemists, Ankh-Morpork

- Stapleton's Student Supplies, Inside the Sto Lat Academy Of Artificers on King's Road, Sto Lat

- Magic and Meddlers' Shop, Wizards Guild, Creel Springs

- Mit-sin-bibh-khot's world of rare reagents, Institute of Illusory Learning, Djelibeybi

- A strange alleyway, Ephebe

- A small, dingy shop, A twist on the Serpent just outside a small shop, Bes Pelargic

- A small hobble, Wizard's Guild cellar, Bes Pelargic



Rubber knife


Rubber knives are used by assassins to play silly buggers with targets. Wizards of course put them to far better use; turning people's things to rubber.


Weight: 1 1/9 lb


Used in: Wonker's Wicked Wobble


Found at

- Assassin Equipment, Assassin Guild, Ankh-Morpork

- A joke shop, A part of Long Street, Bes Pelargic

- A Djelian foreign curiosities stall, Bazaar, Djelibeybi


Sapphire Ring


The gem of this sapphire ring is ideal for housing a tear in reality that can be used to store useful wizardly items.




Used in: Crondor's Marvellous Sequestration (consumed)


Found at

- The Grunefair Jewelled Ring Store, Grunefair, Ankh-Morpork

- A fancy jewellery stall, Bazaar, Djelibeybi





Where would a wizard be without a shield with which to cast protective spells with? .... Dead, probably. Usually lighter shields are preferable, as not many wizards rely on actual physical use of the shield. For this reason, only shops where lighter leather or other material shields are listed.


Weight: Varies


Used in: Transcendent Pneumatic Alleviator, Sorklin's Field of Protection


Type / Found at

- Mounted pewter shield / An Engraver's stall, Bazaar, Djelibeybi

- Mounted pewter shield / An engraving shop, Southeast end of Antithesis Lane, Ephebe

- Small leather shield / A large tannery, Southwest half of Impartiality Avenue, Ephebe

- Small leather shield / A strange amphora-and-weaponry garden at the edge of the Harbour Market East end of the Harbour Market, Ephebe

- Small leather shield / Griffith Cwlyd's tannery (West side of the Plaza of Broken Moons, Ankh-Morpork

- Small leather shield / The guild forge, Djelian Guard headquarters, southeast corner of the Square of the Ancestors, Djelibeybi

- Small leather shield / The Klatchian Foreign Legion outpost storage tent, Klatchian Foreign Legion headquarters, in the Tsortean desert northwest of Djelibeybi

- Small leather shield / The Lancre Highland Regiment armoury, East side of Lancre Square, Lancre Town

- Small leather shield / The Palace Guard armoury, The Palace Guard headquarters, northwest end of Upper Broadway, Ankh-Morpork



Small rowan orb


An orb of rowan wood. A skilled craftsman wizard may be able to turn this plain lump of wood into something magical.




Used in: Doctor Worblehat's Flaming Primate Premonition (consumed)


Found at

- Brimstone's, Inside the Sto Lat Academy Of Artificers on King's Road, Sto Lat



Shimmering glass nugget


These enigmatic glass nuggets look perfectly normal, but have a habit of shimmering and changing colour right under your nose. This property can be used to summon moths of various colours to light your way.


Weight: 2/9 lb


Used in: Union of the Phoenix and Divine Dragon


Found at

- Brimstone's, Inside the Sto Lat Academy Of Artificers on King's Road, Sto Lat

- A small hobble, Wizard's Guild cellar, Bes Pelargic

- A strange alleyway, Ephebe


Silver necklace


This lovely silver necklace makes an excellent lure for those pesky air spirits.


Weight: 2/9 lb


Used in: Gryntard's Feathery Reliever, Ellamandyr's Hyaline Amulet (consumed)


Found at

- Rendtnor's Jewellery Shop, Plaza of Broken Moons, Ankh-Morpork

- A jewellery stall, Divine Flower marketplace, Bes Pelargic

- An Affordable Jewellery Store, Market Street, Bes Pelargic

- A Jewellery Stall, Garden Walk, Bes Pelargic

- A small jewellery stall, Bazaar, Djelibeybi

- The Royal Market Jewellers, Royal Market, Sto Lat



Silver ring


One of the four items needed to create your own illusions, and it looks pretty besides.


Weight: 1/9 lb


Consumed by: Torqvald's Illusion Generatrix


Found at

- Rendtnor's Jewellery Shop, Plaza of Broken Moons, Ankh-Morpork

- A jewellery stall, Divine Flower marketplace, Bes Pelargic

- An Affordable Jewellery Store, Market Street, Bes Pelargic

- A silversmith's, Bazaar, Djelibeybi

- The Royal Market Jewellers, Royal Market, Sto Lat

- Omar Amahl's Jewellery Shop, Cabbage Street, Sto Lat



Sliver of octiron


For those wizards who like working with their hands, these handy multi-coloured slivers of octiron can be molded into a lovely little charm, suitable as a gift for a loved one.


Weight: 5 5/9 lb


Consumed by: Thousand Dancing Celestial Fates


Found at

- A strange alleyway, Ephebe

- A small hobble, Wizard's Guild cellar, Bes Pelargic

- Magic and Meddlers' Shop, Wizards Guild, Creel Springs





A wizard is never without their staff. Not only do they allow you to octograve, which is a necessary part of any spell in itself, but you can also crack any daft fool who'd attack you over the head with one in a pinch. Oh, and you also need one in certain spells.


Weight: Varies


Used in: Calm Embrace of Illusionary Beauty


Found at

- Hobliet the Unnecessary's Linear Tools, Magical Supplies Emporium, Ankh-Morpork

- The Imperial Guard forge, Imperial Palace, Bes-Pelargic

- Magic and Meddlers' Shop, Wizards Guild, Creel Springs

- A magic shop, A road running through Hillshire, Hillshire

- Assorted weapons and general shops



Tigerwood staff


Though not a true staff, it is honourarily refered to as such because of its origins.


Weight: 3/9 lb


Used in: Reckless Encouragement of Arcane Peacock


Found at

- A small, dingy shop, A twist on the Serpent just outside a small shop, Bes Pelargic





The smoke part of 'smoke and mirrors'. Any kind of tobacco will do, and every wizard has their favourites.




Consumed by: Mugwuddle's Muddling Mirage (one pinch)


Found at

- Plaza Tobacconist's, Plaza of Broken Moons, Ankh-Morpork

- A mysterious shady stall, The Black Market, Bes Pelargic

- Fez Club tobacconist, The Avenue of the Pharaohs, Djelibeybi

- A small and murky tobacco shop, An alley, Hillshire



Wet towel


Ah the towel, adventure's swiss army knife. For wizards, they are mainly used to summon clouds to do our heavy lifting. Any towel at all will work with the spell, though it must be wet. The spell does not consume the towel, but does damage it slightly; enough damage and it's good-bye towel. The larger and wetter the towel, the less damage it takes. Remember: Always remember where your towel is.


Weight: Varies


Used in: Fyodor's Nimbus of Porterage


Found at

- King's Down Bucket Shop, King's Down, Ankh-Morpork

- Hurple's Towel Shop, Cockbill Street, Ankh-Morpork

- Assassin's Student Clothing Shop, Assassin's Guild, Ankh-Morpork

- Stapleton's Student Supplies, Inside the Sto Lat Academy Of Artificers on King's Road, Sto Lat

- A small apothecary, Wizard's Guild, Bes Pelargic

- A fluffy towel shop, Long Street south of a junction, Bes Pelargic

- A Towel Stall, Garden Walk, Bes Pelargic

- The Official Hello Monkey Shop, Sion Street, Bes Pelargic

- Mit-sin-bibh-khot's world of rare reagents, Institute of Illusory Learning, Djelibeybi

- Heroic Endeavours, The western edge of the marketplace, Genua

- A towel stall, The southeastern corner of the market, Ohulan-Cutash

- The Creel Springs bathing shop, The edge of Creel Springs, Creel Springs

- Magic and Meddlers' Shop, Wizards Guild, Creel Springs


Can be soaked at

- The fountain in the Institute of Illusory Learning courtyard

- The well at the center of the Ohualan-Cutash market




Some spells require the focus of a wand. For these spells, any type of wand will do, including basic pickling sticks.




Used in: Fiddelmaker's Auriferous Embrace, Ellamandyr's Hyaline Amulet


Made with the spell: Collatrap's Instant Pickling Stick



White mineral powder (chalk powder)


One of the three components needed for trollskin, white mineral powder, also known as chalk powder, can be obtained by chipping pebbles off white mineral rocks and then pulverising them into powder. Rocks and pebbles can be bought in shops, or found by searching certain places.


New wizards will not know that white mineral powder is in fact chalk dust, and will have to get a stick of chalk to compare to the powder before figuring it out.


Weight: 1/9 lb


Consumed by: Chrenedict's Calcareous Covering (one handful), Dismal Digit of Doom (one pinch)


Found at

- The Rock Shop, Quarry Lane, Ankh-Morpork

- Mit-sin-bibh-khot's world of rare reagents, Institute of Illusory Learning, Djelibeybi


Found by searching in

- Blue Moon Park, Bes Pelargic ('get pebble')

- Gloomy Forest


Chalk can be found at

- Salter Rhogain's Legibles, Magical Supplies Emporium, Ankh-Morpork

- A legibles alcove, Wizard's Guild, Bes Pelargic

- An unremarkable stall, The Brass Neck marketplace, Brass Neck

- A magic shop, A road running through Hillshire, Hillshire


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